2016年起正式啟動全台唯一「自然護育研發基地」野放茶園暨咖啡莊園計劃,位在南投.名間這片擁有純淨環境的土地上,選在富含礦物質的紅銀土專區,現栽植的咖啡樹種有『Pacamara 帕卡瑪拉』與『Mandheling 印尼曼特寧』:
▒ 自然護育研發基地咖啡品種 - Pacamara 「帕卡瑪拉」▒
Pacamara是阿拉比卡咖啡品種,1958年時由薩爾瓦多的咖啡研究中心,將帕卡斯(Pacas)與象豆/巨豆(Red Maragogype品種)經過多年育種純化而成。在外觀上葉片巨大、樹形高挑、生豆碩大。在風味部分,有杏桃、香草植物、熱帶水果、巧克力、等濃郁的花果香氣,以及飽滿的甜度與厚實度。
▒ ConservationResearch and Development Base coffee variety –「Pacamara」▒
Pacamara is an arabica coffee varietycreated in 1958 by the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research. It is a crossbetween the Pacas and Maragogype varieties.
Pacamara is a medium-sized tree with large leaves, fruit, and coffeebeans. It has a medium to dense body with rich creamy texture and elegantacidity. It has sweet notes of apricot,citrus fruits, berries, flower, honey, vanilla, caramel, and chocolate.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -▒ 自然護育研發基地咖啡品種 - Mandheling「印尼曼特寧」▒
▒ ConservationResearch and Development Base coffee variety –「IndonesianMandheling」▒
During the Dutch colonial period in 18th centuries, it wasintroduced the Arabic coffee planting in Indonesia. The coffee named Mandhelingwas named as the most important coffee in the world.
For the taste, it is rich and solid with aroma of mellow, moderateacidity and rich in sweetness, which is suitable for medium roasting. Besides,this coffee also contains with Light woody fragrance, which is described as thearoma from herbaceous plant.